دعاء اليوم

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
من سبح الله في دبر كل صلاة ثلاثا وثلاثين
وحمد الله ثلاثا وثلاثين
وكبر الله ثلاثا وثلاثين
فتلك تسعة وتسعون
وقال تمام المائة لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير غفرت خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر . ❱❱📚 صحيح مسلم

حديث اليوم
عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه خادم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
:أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
*** لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه ***
رواه البخاري ومسلم

قم بمشاركة الرسالة مع من تحب عبر الواتساب

Thursday, December 24, 2020

لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه

دعاء اليوم

تعريف الشريعة الإسلامية
تعريف الشريعة الإسلامية
تعريف الشريعة الإسلامية
اللهمّ ألبسني العافية حتّى تهنيني بالمعيشة
واختم لي بالمغفرة حتّى لا تضرّني الذّنوب
واكفني كلّ هول دون الجنة
حتّى تبلغنيها برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين

حديث اليوم
عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه خادم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
:أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال
*** لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه ***
رواه البخاري ومسلم

قم بمشاركة الرسالة مع من تحب عبر الواتساب

Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to get rid of excess weight quickly

How to get rid of excess weight quickly

Many people seek to lose weight and we may find some of the wrong ways to lose weight quickly as weight loss and weight loss pills and fasting for long periods and all these unhealthy and cause problems for health and therefore we have chosen the best ways and means by which you can decrease your weight properly and relatively fast But before you try out any method, make sure you do not have any health problems: Here's the answer to your question how to get rid of excess weight quickly.


Weight loss diets:

The purpose of weight loss diets is to lose a lot of your weight in the least time but before you start eating these meals you should consult your doctor to know how much you can take without harm and we show here some types of weight loss diets and how to use them correctly:

1. Water: 

This method is based on drinking 8 cups of cold water daily at regular intervals

- Drink a glass of water before each meal to give you a sense of fullness and reduce your appetite to eat. Do not add sugar or honey to water. Do not drink water without eating. Water does not replace meals. Take vitamins to compensate for your body's loss of vitamins and nutrients by increasing the amount of urine that the kidneys draw from the body as a result of frequent drinking water. - Water diet.

2 - Weight loss of juice: 

It works to rid the body of toxins and reduce the amount of water in the body. - Here you can drink fruit juice and vegetables only without eating. - You can take vitamins with it or replace it with one small healthy meal a day.

3 - Lemon juice: 

a diet based on eating only lemon juice - eat between 6 - 12 cups of lemon juice made with water every day. - You can also drink tea twice a day. - This system is very useful because it works as a disinfectant in addition to your weight loss in the long term.

4. Cabbage Soup: 

It helps you lose 10 ounces a week. - A diet rich in fiber and has a low-fat content. - You can also take vegetables, fruits, meat and rice with at least 4 cups of water. - This system lasts for 7 days but you should not persevere for long because your body loses some important nutrients necessary for health. - Soup recipes for weight loss

5 - Diet free of salts: 

It helps to rid the body of excess water because it prevents the retention of the body. - In this diet should not add salt for food, as well as the sodium salt in the meals and in restaurants. - 8 glasses of water (2 liters) and green tea should also be taken in moderate proportions. - Must not continue on this system for more than two weeks. If you find that you can not remove the ring from your hand or wear the shoe as easily as you did before eating the meal, Your body is sensitive to sodium.

6 - Hormonal Hormone HCG: 

Taken by injection or as a dietary supplement helps to burn fat body - makes the rate of burning calories from 500 to 800 calories, which is appropriate for weight loss. - It has not been adopted as a safe treatment to lose weight so its use may cause some adverse side effects. - Those who used this hormone found that their weight returned to what it was when you stop using it.

Health centers and clubs

This is another way to lose weight. It is easy and fast. You can go to centers such as saunas, medical clinics and others that offer customized programs to lose weight in a consistent manner as it works to tighten the lashes and skin, but you should continue to exercise and the appropriate diet later because the health centers alone Do not meet the purpose only temporarily after your weight as it was.

1 - Roll the metal body: 

It is an excellent way to help reduce the weight of the waist and thighs, and the existing minerals help to rid the body of toxins and reduce the appearance of cellulite as well.

2 - wrap the body enzyme, Lopez: 

It is also a quick way to rid the body of excess weight and is done in two steps:

First, wrap the body with lupine to save you from the fat on the surface of the body

Second: Roll the metal body to rid the body of toxins and tighten the skin.

3 - Roll the body in the European way: 

It is also an important way to get rid of cellulite and works to lose weight but temporarily.

4 - circulating thermal body: 

A method is also known and useful in the removal of the body of toxins and increase the flexibility and softness of the skin and this heat is working to regulate and improve blood circulation in the body.

5 - Go to the sauna: 

The resulting steam works to rid you of almost half a liter of sweat in a quarter of an hour. - Drink a few glasses of water after finishing the steam bath to avoid dehydration. - The steam bath should not exceed 15-20 minutes per day. - The sauna should not be used with people suffering from heart disease and blood pressure, nor should it be used for children.

6 - Colon: 

Some health centers provide treatments for the colon, which works to wash and clean the colon water to summarize the waste and stool accumulated by this method help patients with bloating, gas and constipation also helps to lose weight.

7 - Liposuction: 

This surgery helps to lose weight quickly, especially for those who suffer from the accumulation of fat in certain areas of their body. - The presence of surgical intervention there must be performed by a specialist doctor.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Seven Lies About Weight Loss

Seven Lies About Weight Loss

Seven Lies About Weight Loss
Seven Lies About Weight Loss

Do not make your exercise graceful if you continue an unhealthy diet

Many people want to lose excess weight, but sometimes this goal is difficult to achieve. This is linked to misconceptions about what helps to lose weight, to collide with a completely different reality.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to make a rubber band bracelet without loom

how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom
how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom

I show you how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom (triple tail fish) , two forks!.

Bracelet rubber bands without loom (without rainbow loom) or without loom triple rainbow fishtail.

Materials for how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom :

Gummy hair colors (rubber bands, elastic).
- Red Color
- Orange Color
- Yellow Color
- Green Color
- Blue Color
- Two forks.
- A pointed stick.

In this post I'll show you how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom do, in an easy and fast way, bracelet unisex, they can use both male and female, boys and girls and that also can be performed as child craft.
This bracelet is made ​​of rubber bands used to hold braids in hair colors, can also be used for desktop or small rubber bands rubber bands that sold especially for loom bracelet with "RAINBOW LOOM" (In future tutorials will teach you how to do more with this homemade loom bracelets and also with the Rainbow loom loom)
can use colors that you please.
these bracelets are a creative activity that can be performed with groups children monitors time, love it .

Tags :
how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom review.
how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom reports.
how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom infos.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rubber Bands for Loom

Rubber Bands for Loom
Rubber Bands for Loom

Rubber bands for loom :

As the popularity of the band business moves into its second year, parents across America are wondering if and when this fashion toy apparently dependence will end. To answer this question , we went to two different types of experts and received replies from both parties and the results , where we believe we can now present a well-documented report analyzed , the objective response .

First, are the two panels rubber bands for loom?

Well, we cheated a little because a group is, in fact , children and their parents, and what we have done is just ask them to tell us their experience over a period of six months from the business kit band purchase. We did not ask specifically , but we asked them to share their experiences and , in particular , have asked parents to share with us the behavioral changes they noticed in their children during this period of 6 months. So rubber bands for loom.

The results were quite surprising. Every parent has indicated that during the period of 6 months, the ability to concentrate and their children play , ie , do not complain of boredom , increased dramatically, and the children themselves said his enthusiasm for the task in turn , take more difficult tasks ( being tightened rubber bands for loom ) also increased .

Parents also noted that the instructions supplied with the strips were not enough and the children had to search , usually by watching YouTube videos How to rubber bands for loom of various types and difficulty, and teamwork also incorporates spontaneously to the task. What most parents and children found that the level of concentration , patience and determination has not decreased in the six months and , in fact, like a muscle seemed to get stronger and that force was used. Some parents reported that some teachers of the school children had noticed an increase in your child 's ability to concentrate in class, and have developed a greater independence than their classmates.

The information returned to the first group drew these rubber bands for loom in art as an educational tool as well as a toy. The age group we tested was 7 to 10 years, but we also had comments from parents and younger siblings ( some as young as 5 years) saying that the rubber bands for loom could be used by companies of a group of children aged factory younger audience.

In the second group rubber bands for loom, we went to are a husband and wife team of physiologists child behavior Mike and Sandy DR DR Segal , who also has four years working with autistic children. After reviewing the results of the study group , and their own research , they concluded the following.

After six months of observation of a group of 7 - . Years 10 to play with groups of rubber bands for loom , we believe based on our own land again and what we have seen here that the business side is indeed worthy of the educational tool as we have noticed an increase in cognitive ability of children to solve problems, find solutions and maintain attention for long periods of time, even up to 3 or 4 hours is a long time for a child of 7 years.

observation in our children , realized their ability to seek and give this careful concentration level they intend , quite remarkable.
latter we are one of the features of smart and creative people and we believe that the business rubber bands for loom of the tape in fact, the development only in young children , a point of view of parents is really very exciting. Our only reservation is that there seems to be a quality unit for the business user on the Web, and found that children sometimes are forced to be strong enough to stop things like dinner and go to bed.

In saying that, we also recognize that something positive is that children are able to be left alone to do something creative rubber bands for loom and not be looking at a season of the TV screen or game so we recommend that all parents to establish guidelines for use.

rubber bands for loom review.
rubber bands for loom reports.
rubber bands for loom infos.
rubber bands for loom videos.
rubber bands for loom amazon.
rubber bands for loom ebay.

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