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Showing posts with label rubber band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rubber band. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2014

How to make a rubber band bracelet without loom

how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom
how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom

I show you how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom (triple tail fish) , two forks!.

Bracelet rubber bands without loom (without rainbow loom) or without loom triple rainbow fishtail.

Materials for how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom :

Gummy hair colors (rubber bands, elastic).
- Red Color
- Orange Color
- Yellow Color
- Green Color
- Blue Color
- Two forks.
- A pointed stick.

In this post I'll show you how to make a rubber band bracelet without loom do, in an easy and fast way, bracelet unisex, they can use both male and female, boys and girls and that also can be performed as child craft.
This bracelet is made ​​of rubber bands used to hold braids in hair colors, can also be used for desktop or small rubber bands rubber bands that sold especially for loom bracelet with "RAINBOW LOOM" (In future tutorials will teach you how to do more with this homemade loom bracelets and also with the Rainbow loom loom)
can use colors that you please.
these bracelets are a creative activity that can be performed with groups children monitors time, love it .

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